
We offer a range of services to help companies protect their employees from failures in industrial hygiene procedures. Services include:
♦  Qualitative assessments per Similar Exposure Groups (SEG)
o Hazard identification
o Estimating potential severity of exposure
o Sampling plan development
♦  Quantitative assessments including:
o Airborne chemical contaminant exposure measurements & evaluations
o Physical exposure measurements & evaluations (e.g. noise, radiation, heat stress, vibration)
o Biological agent evaluations

♦  Exposure data management
o Local & global standards comparisons
o Statistical analysis
o Data base inputs
♦  Control program development, auditing
o Ventilation system evaluation
o Hearing conservation
o Respiratory protection

♦  Specific hazards, including:
o Asbestos
o Benzene
o Lead
o Formaldehyde
o Chromium
o Silica

Reduce the risk related to health from workplace exposure with our workplace monitoring services. Our occupational hygienists specialize in controlling such workplace health risks by assessing hazards across a variety of environments including high risk workplaces such as factories, hospitals, offices and building sites. Using their expertise they will assess the short and long-term effects on health arising from exposure to hazards and help ensure that your business is meeting its legislative requirements in terms of ensuring ‘adequate control’ measures to protect people.

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